ABPmer is commissioned by Jacobs on behalf of Low Level Waste Repository Limited (LLW Repository Ltd) to inspect the coastline surrounding the LLW Repository site between St Bees and the Ravenglass Estuary. This is an annual requirement following the submission of an Environmental Safety Case to the Environment Agency in 2011.
The purpose of the inspection is to provide LLW Repository Ltd with the information required to confirm the existing understanding of the evolution of the coast and the underlying process mechanisms, thereby helping to manage risk.
Monitoring consists of an annual field survey comprising qualitative comparison between photographs taken at the same locations to identify ongoing changes in beach morphology, cliff/dune face position and anthropogenic management of the shoreline.
We also review local metocean conditions. This includes analysing a year-long observational record collected from a weather station at the LLW Repository site, as well as river discharge of surrounding catchment systems for the corresponding period. We use ABPmer’s SEASTATES database for wave climate and water levels.
As well as reviewing what is happening at the local level, we consider other relevant research and monitoring programmes that may have a bearing on the future management of the coast. This includes quantitative coastal monitoring data, national and international climate change research and outputs from other projects related to energy developments on the coast as well as the nuclear industry.
ABPmer's oceanographers deliver a comprehensive understanding of physical processes for marine projects and developments through the collection and processing of current flow, wave and water quality characteristics. Learn more about our oceanographic survey capability.